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Heat is On 2020 – A Year Anew~

2019 was a pretty decent year in hobby productivity! Jim an I got quite a lot done, especially compared to the year prior. I do honestly believe we could have achieved way more last year than we did. Hence why we will continue this scheme throughout 2020 with a new bingo grid and a 3rd […]

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A Shift in Painting: Getting Serious!

Over the course of my miniature painting I have always tried to add something new to my newer and upcoming projects. My Malifaux Gremlins gave me NMM, painting Aleph upped my consistent standard, etc… This is a great way to learn new tricks and through regular painting you become better and faster at it. My […]

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C. Bowers Studios~

Some of you may be wondering “Who drew that rather sophisticated and dashingly handsome cat Bleachy uses in his blog’s banner?”.  I mean seriously, who hasn’t asked him- or herself this? If you haven’t, I would kindly ask you to take the time, put your head into it, and ask yourself: “Who drew that rather […]

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