May the show go on!

Finally I have managed to get some work done on my showgirl crew. I have been working on these gals for a few days. Since I like both models a whole lot and I couldn’t decide which one I liked better, I decided to paint them up at the same time! First off I will start with Cassandra.

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I tried an experiment with Cassie, here. I wanted to paint her up as a ginger, as such. With freckles and cute red hair and everything. I am really satisfied with how she came out. Painting freckles was still a slight pain in the butt. I used one of the casing foam bits and dunked it in some paint and wiped most of the paint off onto a towel. Then I slightly dabbed at the finished skin and got some assorted dots and spots here and there. The problem with this is that sometimes you get a huge splotch. Doing this on models that have blended skin is rather difficult as you will definitely have to touch up again, which is a pain in the butt. So later on I went off onto painting freckles manually. Especially the ones around her face, since the foam thing was being a silly willy.

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At first I was kind of worried how her dress would appear. Since it is so ‘flat’ as such, with little texture, it could come off as plain and boring. Instead of using a darker turquoise color, I went for a really bright version. One that would also definitely clash more with her hair. Adding some orange and white elements to it really made it look nice in my opinion. After painting the dress and looking at it often throughout the process, I can understand why some people add stripes or other designs to her dress. I am content with simple and blue. It does pop as well and that is what her dress is supposed to do.


This is my Colette. Well, was once my Colette. I really liked this painting scheme, but the problem was, it just wasn’t me. I couldn’t ‘feel’ it properly and it bothered me quite a bit, despite how well it turned out. So I did the only reasonable thing and stripped her paint off. Unfortunate, but definitely needed, as it was just bugging the heck out of me.
Now I repainted her and managed to get a style that is not only right up my ally but also definitely ‘me’. Something that caters to my usual style and also makes me a cheerful suck every time I look at her.

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Orange goodness. She looked great before she got that huge splash of orange. A white dress would even suit her very well and would have pulled off a great color scheme that befits the model as well. I wanted more though and I do believe that I got more. The color contrast effects on this model are just insane. The black and white between jacket, hat and stockings are just dandy. Add on top of that a light and dark colored contrast between orange and blue. This is in a way such a conflicting model it is awesome. I am really pleased with this lady.

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I did boo boo a bit on her stockings while glazing them for the millionth time. Last time I painted her I messed it up as well. This time I managed to fudge in a different way. I just hope you do not notice it as much as I do. Though, oddly, I often see more of my mistakes than most people do. I guess the painter has a more critical eye to his own work than others do. Haha.

That rounds it off for these two gals. Next up I will be painting Colette’s Mechanical Doves. Three doves, 1 Mannequin and 2 CoryphĆ©es and my crew is finished and complete! Getting there slowly, but surely! Though, I may sneak in an Infinity model, just for s&g’s.

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Categories: Malifaux


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4 Comments on “May the show go on!”

  1. May 23, 2013 at 3:05 am #

    I see what you did there.

    • May 23, 2013 at 7:16 am #

      Shhhhh. Don’t tell anyone. šŸ˜›

  2. June 21, 2013 at 4:23 pm #

    Omg, they look stunning!

    • June 24, 2013 at 12:57 am #

      Thank you! šŸ™‚

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