HiO’19 – More Snazzy Shit and Projects to Come

Soooooo… Thinks have been quiet for quite some time. Unfortunately life just comes and goes as it pleases. My buddy Jim has been holed up with personal stuff and literally life altering changes (good ones), which kicks ass. I’ve been dealing with some health issues and a lack of a PC at home for nearly a month. Thus posting and hobby productivity have gone down a bit for both of us.

Still I have managed to get some shit done. Here I have my Forgotten Marshal (Setanta Ortega ‘conversion’ into a more Death Marshal look) and my Morticia (Mortimer proxy made out of a female Guild Sergeant and some bits).

With that I am two more models ahead. I didn’t finish any achievements yet as I am counting one of them to the ‘paint two models from different brands/companies’ achievement and the other goes to the ‘1 of 5’ one. Slow progress is still progress.

With that my undead Molly horde is creeping along and slowly growing bigger. I should have her whole gang + some versatile models finished for the start of M3E (Malifaux 3rd Edition), which is coming out this summer.

The way M3E works and builds its Crews is great to have enclosed little projects. You are mostly going to use a master’s own gang instead of the entire selection of models from a faction and thus can Single off a small amount of models to work with and off. One such a case is the Malifaux project following Molly: Titania

I have everything I need for her prepped and basically ready to paint besides two Rougarou models (seem to be sold out everywhere…). Chopping down larger factions and model piles to work it off in smaller batches is actually going to be really nice. It makes me feel less overwhelmed and anxious with ‘all that needs to be done’ and I can switch and swap after projects to keep myself entertained. I have a load of things I want to paint and I think this may help me work them off easier.

Another ‘big’ project that will immediately follow Molly’s Forgotten is going to be a Blood Bowl team. I keep eyeing Games Workshop minis and really want to paint and even play some games with them. Just painting 80 models to play a small game is not going to happen for me. Luckily stuff like Blood Bowl is a bit more forgiving in that aspect (need about 20ish minis for a whole team).

So stay tuned for my soon to come dark elf team and lots more of funky Molly shenanigans until then! ❤

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Categories: Blood Bowl, Malifaux


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